Thursday, August 19, 2010

New additions to the family!

This is mostly going to be a photo post. It will show some of the things our family is really excited about that happened over this summer. First meet Sharky and Chocolate:
Yes, we have a bunny named Sharky! The creativity of a 2 year old.
And this is chocolate - a very patient bunny, Heidi holds him more like a cat and he tolerates it.

Though she does know the proper way to hold a bunny - it is just difficult to get him there.

These two joined the family just this week and we are hoping to have them as little helpers in our weed problem. And they are about the only legal thing we can have here in town that have garden worthy manure.

Which brings us to the other addition to the family this year. We are fully gardening at our house this year! If you remember this post from last spring, we were just getting things up and going then. Now 2 loads of manure, 1 load of dirt, a whole bunch of worms, watering planting and the sun that finally got us this:
3 kinds of tomatoes, red popping corn, and lots of pumpkins (they were suppose to be cucumbers - anyone have any extra???)

And this:
5 egg plants (we thought the first ones had died so we planted more then they all worked! Can you say baba ghanoush?) and green beans. In the top left corner you can see the edge of the tire that has 3 types of peppers.

And this:
Strawberries, blueberries, and a few raspberries.

And this came back from last year:
We have rhubarb (already picked 3 times - can't you tell?), chives, and oregano. There is sage, tarragon, and a tiny basil on the other side of the rhubarb as well. On the other end of the house are all our dahlias - but they are pretty pathetic this year.

So far we have only had the herbs, tons of rhubarb, a few cherries tomatoes, a few of each berry, and 2 green beans. But we are so excited to enjoy and share the bounty God has given us.


T & K said...

Your back yard garden looks gorgeous! We'll have to get together soon and you can tell me what we need to do for our garden next year. : )

Leo and Jen said...

That's a lot of work! Good job guys!

Ben said...

What happened to Sam and Sammy? Those are not the little bunnies I was thinking, they are huge!

lindsayw said...

Wow, you have quite the running farm! Love the bunnies, they're so cute! Hope to see them on Thursday. :)